
Items by publisher: Philip G. Samaan

Reviving Vanishing Virtues

Reviving Vanishing Virtues

As the title of this book implies, there has been a steady and precipitous decline of our cherished virtues and moral standards in society. Hence, there is an urgent need to revive and revitalize them in our lives, families, churches, schools, and society as a whole. The author endeavors to find... [Show more]

  • Price:$18.95
Christ's Way of Healing

Christ's Way of Healing

In this book we will focus on the healing miracles of Christ, their immediate and broader significance and application to our own lives.Healing was of vital importance to Christ and His ministry, hence He invested more time in that than preaching. His healing miracles were real and genuine, in... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Christ's Way to Salvation

Christ's Way to Salvation

Philip Samaan will help you see beautiful portraits of Jesus hidden in the passages of Zechariah. Each chapter reveals a unique picture that focuses on different aspects of Christ’s character and ministry. You will see Him as your Advocate and Righteousness, your Judge and Vindicator, the Good... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Christ's Way to Spiritual Growth

Christ's Way to Spiritual Growth

Spirituality is Christlikeness—having Jesus so fill our lives that when others look at us, they see Jesus instead. Spiritual growth, or spirituality, is a topic that has captured the interest of people everywhere. Even those who aren’t traditionally religious have become interested in... [Show more]

  • Price:$17.95
Dare To Be a Daniel - Empowering the Final Remnant

Dare To Be a Daniel - Empowering the Final Remnant

The empowering words of this chorus often reverberate in my mind: “Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone, dare to have a purpose, dare to make it known!” In a postmodern age of relativism, moral mediocrity, and low expectations, Daniel inspires and challenges us to advance higher in... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.00
Abraham's Other Son

Abraham's Other Son

The controversial topic of the ever-turbulent Middle East is incessantly bombarding us in the media, and will remain so till the end. The sheer Muslim population on our planet, its globally strategic position, its complex politics, its vast resources, and especially its desperate need for the... [Show more]

  • Price:$16.95
Christ's Way of Affirmation

Christ's Way of Affirmation

In our Western culture which focuses on individualism, it is not easy to know how to properly give and graciously receive a genuine compliment. This is frequently misunderstood and viewed as flattery. Yet there is a vacuum that God created in the human heart for altruistic affirmation, and Jesus... [Show more]

  • Price:$13.95
Christ's Way to Restoration

Christ's Way to Restoration

Unprecedented crises are breaking out everywhere - a harbinger of more to come. As the critical time of the final crisis approaches, Satan knows that he has a short time. He is poised to execute his well-hewn schemes of deception and destruction more than ever in the history of humanity. This old... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
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